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Is stubborn chin fat getting you down? Beauty Restored in Parker, Colorado has the solution! Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable used to treat submental fullness under the chin, sometimes called the “double chin.” Kybella, made of a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, can be used to help the body absorb the fat, leaving a more desirable chin profile. It targets the membranes that store fat cells, eliminating them and inhibiting their ability to store fat. Eventually, the body’s natural responses kick in, and the fat in the treated area is removed or dramatically reduced. 
Treatment with Kybella requires little downtime and destroys the fat permanently. Kybella can treat small pockets of fat like bra bulges, inner thighs, and areas of the stomach. Patients who gained weight after treatment did not gain weight in the previously treated areas. This treatment is a non-surgical option that requires little downtime and only kills the fat cells in the treated areas. Kybella is ideal for many patients, but it is important to discuss your aesthetic and concerns with our staff at Beauty Restored Aesthetics to determine the best treatment for you. 

Kybella FAQ


Kybella uses a man-made form of deoxycholic acid to help the body eliminate unwanted fat under the chin, often called a “double chin.” 

Deoxycholic acid targets the membranes that store fat cells, destroying them and removing their ability to store fat. 

The number of treatments varies. At Beauty Restored Aesthetics, we can help you determine how many treatments you will need but typically no more than six treatments. 

Visible results can be seen within 2-3 months after treatment. 

The results from Kybella treatment are permanent. The fat cells are no longer able to accumulate or store fat once they have been destroyed! 

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