Sculptra in Parker, Colorado - Beauty Restored Aesthetics


The Slow and Steady Treatment


 Sculptra is a collagen-stimulating injectable that gradually replaces lost collagen, which is the underlying cause of facial aging. The results can last more than two years. 


 Sculptra is an injectable with results that are gradual and are seen over time. Sculptra stimulates your body’s ability to smooth and tighten skin with collagen. You will experience gradual results over time that can be long-lasting.

Sculptra FAQ

The Treatment package includes 3.0 cc’s of a collagen-stimulating injectable. Sculptra is not a dermal filler and won’t give you instant volume; rather, it stimulates your body to make collagen and repair the tissue and skin from the inside out. Results are seen over time.

It is actually considered to be semi-permanent because it is your own body’s collagen and tissue that is being formed.

As time progresses, collagen gradually decreases. You may need up to 4 treatments, 3-4 weeks apart to stimulate collagen. Maintains treatments are advised once every year or so.

One Sculptra Treatment is $800. We recommend doubling or even tripling up for best results.

Sculptra is an FDA-approved dermal injectable that gradually replaces lost collagen. Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) that is a biocompatible, biodegradable, synthetic material and collagen stimulator that restores the deep underlying structure of your skin.

Collagen restoration is how Sculptra decreases facial wrinkles. Sculptra works with your body deep within the dermis to trigger the collagen production and restore your skin’s inner structure and volume. As Sculptra’s microparticles are absorbed, they stimulate collagen production.

Rebuilt collagen gradually restores facial volume. Be patient. It does take time.

There may be some side effects that include: 

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Injection site pain
  • Itching
  • Lumps
  • Bruising

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